Financial Analysis (1 day)

TypeOnsite Course
DateMar 1, 2020 - Mar 1, 2020
Price€ 769


Business & Soft Skills

Balance sheet analysis
Cash flow analysis
Country risk analysis
Credit scoring
Financial ratios (8)
Income statement analysis
Risk assessment
Scoring methods
Abstract thinking
Analytical skills

Attention to detail

Comprehension of complex numbers

Decision making

Drawing conclusions

Reading what data tells about business
Financial Analysis

Assessing your business partner’s financial stability is not always easy. Business reports are comprehensive and one needs to reflect in order to realize what stands behinds the figures!
But the evaluation is unavoidable, since an estimated 70% of global sales are generated by business to business trade, where companies first pay when they receive funds from their clients, in 30, 60, 120 or however many days. To finance their operations, companies seek to get credit, either from banks or their suppliers. Credit Management is about responding to the customer’s request for credit terms and defining credit conditions.
In this interactive Live Course, you will learn about financial analysis and credit scoring. You will learn how to assess your customer’s current financial capacities and set suitable credit line that allows you to mitigate credit risks without jeopardizing sales growth.



Formula and composition of key financial ratios
Current Ratio, Liquidity Ratio, Gearing
Days Stock Held, DSO, CDO
Net Profit Margin
Interest Cover
Altman Z Score




Anyone who wants to acquire practical knowledge about how to analyse and interpret Financial Statements; how to score financial ratios; how to assess credit risk in order to arrive at a sound credit decision.



50% dedicated to theory
50% of the time is dedicated to theory
50% allocated to practical group exercises, financial analysis of companies’ data; scoring exercises to determine low, medium and high risk for new customers and for an ongoing business relationship
8 hours